Archive for the ‘Daily Reading’ Category

Daily Reading – Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Calculated Risk: Retail Sales increased 0.2% in November

Calculated Risk: A little better GDP Growth in Q4

The Big Picture: FOMC will tell us what they really think

FT Alphaville: Sino-Forest admits default

An American Perspective from China: China Data, Part 1: Real Estate Downturn

Daily Reading – Monday, 12 December, 2011

The Slope Of Hope: Quote of the Year

Macro Man: TMM announce the late running of The End of The World

FT Alphaville: Central banks fire the second barrel of QE

FT Alphaville: Fines all round?

FT Alphaville: A sub-optimal solution to the Euromess

The Big Picture: Monday morning quarterback

The Big Picture: How to Pay For Financial Advice

The Big Picture: The Myth Of Cash On The Sidelines – An Update

FT BeyondBRICs: Indian IP: the slowdown cometh

The New York Times: In Euro Era, Opening Bell Is a 2:30 A.M. Alarm

Daily Reading – Friday, December 9, 2011

Gavyn Davies: Eurozone crisis might move from acute to chronic phase

The Big Picture: Kumbaya yes but horse already out of the barn

The Big Picture: ECRI’s Achuthan: U.S. Economic Outlook, Labor Market

Calculated Risk: Trade Deficit declines in October

FT BeyondBRICs: China: inflation tamed

Daily Reading – Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Economist: Expect the unexpected

FT Alphaville: The ECB’s new non-standard measures…

FT Alphaville: Hors d’oeuvres from the ECB

FT Alphaville: Not even in Japan…

The Big Picture: Dr. Copper Flashes a Warning

The Big Picture: Trading Rules, Aphorisms & Books (Updated)

FT Beyond BRICs: Deutsche: if you think 2011 was bad for EM equities, just wait for 2012

FT Beyond BRICs: Goldman Sachs: Brics in 2050

Daily Reading – Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Big Picture: QOTD: Ratings Agencies Jobs

The Big Picture: If S&P follows thru, what will it mean for EFSF?

FT BeyondBRICs: Could Indonesia face Brazil-style slowdown?

Daily Reading – Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The Big Picture: Do Ratings Agencies Still Matter?

FT Alphaville: The S&P statement

FT Alphaville: Signor Monti, sensazionale [updated]

FT Alphaville: ‘This economy is no place for young men’

FT Alphaville: Spot the Dog let off the leash

FT Alphaville: Post-euro currencies, charted

FT BeyondBRICs: Brazil’s GDP stalls in 3rd qtr

The Conscience Of A Liberal (Paul Krugman): Things That Never Happened In The History Of Macroeconomics

Daily Reading – Monday, November 5, 2011

The Big Picture: This is the week, again

The Big Picture: At Hedge Funds, Breakeven is the New Black

Gavyn Davies: Fed bazooka aimed at the eurozone

FT Alphaville: The Fed hath spoken

FT Alphaville: Employment since the 2008 Peak

FT Alphaville: Le plan, negatifs taux d’intérêt, redux

Daily Reading – Wednesday, November, 2011

FT Alphaville: So much for that impact on currency basis swaps

FT Alphaville: More on the dollar crunch and the liquidity drop

FT Alphaville: Nomura on European bank deleveraging and US loans

FT Alphaville: Hedge fund survey says

FT Alphaville: Italy’s very own special liquidity programme?

FT Alphaville: Behind those Bloomberg banks-profit-from-Fed figures

Felix Salmon: Chart of the day, Morgan Stanley bailout edition

Macro Man: Hang 10

FT BeyondBRICs: China to the world: time for action

FT BeyondBRICs: India’s GDP: the new normal is here

The Big Picture: Merkel to neuter the German Constitutional Court?

The Big Picture: Apple vs Samsung

theunderstatement: Google’s Management Doesn’t Use Google+

Daily Reading – Monday, November 28, 2011

*** The Big Picture: No, Black Friday Sales Were Not Up 16% (not even 6%) ***

*** The Big Picture: Futures Scream Higher on Italian Bailout Rumor ***

*** The Big Picture: Billionaires’ Top 10 List for Success ***

*** Gavyn Davies: Thinking the unthinkable on a euro break-up ***

*** An American Perspective from China: “Winter is Coming” ***

Daily Reading – Monday, November 21, 2011

*** Gavyn Davies: When should the ECB buy sovereign debt? ***
*** PIMCO Tony Crescenzi: Ben Bernanke: The Decider ***
*** The Big Picture: Discuss: Goldman Is the New Master of the EU? ***
*** The Big Picture: No debt deal, buy Treasuries and the US$?! ***
*** The Register: Kindle Fire: An open letter to Jeff Bezos ***
*** Pogue’s Posts: Nook’s Specs Are Exaggerated, Again ***

Daily Reading – Thursday, November 17, 2011

*** BeyondBRICs: China property: construction blues ***
*** BeyondBRICs: Singapore exports: 16 per cent drop signals poor Christmas for Asian manufacturers ***
*** BeyondBRICs: Fitch: beware Chinese bank debt ***
*** The Slope Of Hope: Triangle Man ***
*** FT Alphaville: The naked derivative exposures of banks to sovereigns ***
*** FT Alphaville: The reversing core-headline CPI gap ***
*** FT Alphaville: Bye, bye WTI-Brent spread disconnect… ***
*** Credit Slips: Is Bank of America Gambling on Resurrection (or Is BoA Holding the US Hostage)? ***

Daily Reading – Tuesday, November 15, 2011

*** FT Alphaville: French bonds — some (parabolic) perspective ***
*** FT Alphaville: Dios mío! – redux ***
*** FT Alphaville: Please give generously… ***
*** FT Alphaville: The Buffett rule ***
*** FT Alphaville: Some euro banknotes are more equal than others ***
*** Felix Salmon: Europe’s liquidity crisis ***
*** FT Money Supply: The FEER – updated Nov 2011 ***
*** The Big Picture: A Global View of the Housing Bubble ***
*** The Big Picture: Construction Boom in 31 Countries & the Great Recession ***
*** The Big Picture: The Biggest Bubble in History? ***
*** Selling the Oil Illusion, American Style ***
*** Macro Man:While Europe Fiddles, TMM Correlate and Disperse ***
*** Econbrowser: Exports in the Recovery (II) ***
*** FT BeyondBRICs: RBS: sell Argentine GDP warrants ***

Daily Reading – Monday, November 14, 2011

*** Gavyn Davies: The Italian Job ***
*** FT Alphaville: Eurozone, why did we bother ***
*** FT Alphaville: Pan-labyrinth ***
*** FT Alphaville: Bolton keeps the faith ***

Daily Reading – Tuesday, November 8, 2011

*** Ultimi Barbarorum: The Beginning of the End of the Euro Crisis? ***
*** FT BeyondBRICs: China inflation: a big fall ahead? ***
*** FT Alphaville: Koo: price-to-rents back to normal. Does it matter? ***
*** FT Alphaville: The Asian fuel-oil indicator ***
*** The Big Picture: Business Cycle Trends ***
*** The Big Picture: European Bank Exposure to Risky Mortgage Assets ***
*** The Big Picture: 4 Major Secular Bear Markets, 1900-2011 ***

Daily Reading: Monday, November 7, 2011

*** Gavyn Davies: The eurozone decouples from the world ***
*** An American Perspective from China: Déjà Vu All Over Again ***
*** FT Alphaville: Italian premier pokes Europe ***
*** FT Alphaville: Italian bond rout [updated] ***
*** FT Alphaville: The wrong technocrats ***
*** The Big Picture: Is the US Still on the Verge of Recession? ***
*** The Big Picture: Another week of political driven markets ***
*** The Big Picture: The Big Lie of the Financial Crisis ***


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