U.S. Petroleum Weekly – June 23, 2010
Crude oil stocks rose 2.0 million barrels for week ending June 18; Gasoline stocks fell 0.8 million barrels; Distillate stocks increased 0.3 million barrels; Propane/propylene stocks rose 1.1 million barrels; Total crude oil and petroleum stocks were 2.7 million barrels higher than the week before.
Refinery utilization rose from 87.9% to 89.4%.
Crude oil and petroleum product net imports rose to 10.4 million barrels. All categories of petroleum stocks are still at extremely elevated levels.
Chart 1. Crude Oil Futures
Chart 2. Weekly Change in U.S. Crude Oil and Distillates Stocks
Chart 3. U.S. Total Crude Oil, Gasoline and Distillate Ending Stocks
Chart 4. U.S. Refinery Capacity, Inputs, and Production
Chart 5. Weekly U.S. Total Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Imports and Exports