U.S. Petroleum Weekly – 3 February 2010
Crude oil stocks rose 2.3 million barrels for week ending 29 January; Gasoline stocks increased for 2 million barrels; Distillate stocks fell 0.9 million barrels; Propane/propylene stocks decreased 3 million barrels; Other oils were down 1.9 million barrels; Total crude oil and petroleum stocks rose 0.8 million barrels.
Refinery utilization fell to a post Lehman new low of 77.7%.
Crude oil and petroleum product net imports were at 9.7 million barrels level (lower bound level). All categories of petroleum stocks are still at elevated levels.
A new low in refinery utilization is an indication of weak demand. The crude oil price recovered strongly, moving again to the shorting range.
Chart 1. Crude Oil Futures
Chart 2. Change in U.S. Crude Oil and Distillates Stocks
Chart 3. U.S. Total Crude Oil, Gasoline and Distillate Ending Stocks
Chart 4. U.S. Refinery Capacity, Inputs, and Production
Chart 5. Weekly U.S. Total Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Imports and Exports